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If you are setting up your Email Account to use SSL use the following settings:
Incoming and Outgoing Server Name: webXXX.dotology.net, replacing the XXX with the server that your mail is being hosted on. To find this information, log in to your Dotology Account Dashboard, navigate to Products, select Hosting and click on the domain name that you are looking to check the server name for. This will be used for both incoming and outgoing server names.
Server Type: Dotology Hosting and Email plans support both POP and IMAP connections.
Port Numbers: Incoming (POP): 995, Incoming (IMAP): 993, Outgoing (SMTP): 465
Username: Your complete e-mail address
Password: The password you created when you created the Email Account. Please note that this is not necessarily the same as your Dotology Dashboard or Dotology Hosting Console password.
SSL/Authentication: SSL should be set to “on” and authentication to “password” if prompted.
See Also:
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