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What are the differences between the extensions?

Dotology offers more than 40 different Top Level Domain (TLD) name extensions. These TLDs include sub-categories of ccTLDs (country code) gTLDs (generic) domain name spaces. The gTLD domain name space has further sub categories of Unrestricted gTLDs and Sponsored gTLDs.

ccTLDs such as .US, .CO.UK and .DE represent specific countries and are intended for the exclusive use of businesses and residents of those countries. They may or may not permit registration to outside interests. Many ccTLDs do not permit the use or privacy services such as Direct Privacy. ccTLDs such as .CO and .TV have broad appeal and the countries represented by these TLDs have partnered with organizations that promote them as global alternatives to the crowded .COM domain name space. There are no restrictions on registration of .CO or .TV.

gTLDs such as .COM, .NET and .ORG and many others are available throughout the world without restrictions on registration or content.

For complete details on all TLDs offered by Dotology visit our domain name price list.

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